How do I get help from Kaya Tasks team?

We understand that you may have questions and feedback about Kaya Tasks, so we have prepared a few ways you can contact us. 
  1. Discord: Our Discord server is only for Kaya Tasks annotators. If you have a Kaya Tasks account, you can find the link during your onboarding stage. You can post a message on Discord for the Kaya Tasks team and fellow annotators. We also post announcements including new task availability on our Discord server. 
  2. HelpScout: You are currently on HelpScout, where you can read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) You can also use the HelpScout chatbot (available on all pages) to find articles and/or contact our team. Read on for more details on how to use HelpScout. 
  3. Email: You can also reach us at

Where you can find the Help Scout widget:

The Help Scout widget is located on the bottom right of your screen that looks like 💬 when you are on:

What you can use the widget for:

  1. Instantly find answers to popular FAQ questions for the web page you're on
  2. Find answers to your questions by typing keyword(s) in the search bar
  3. Provide feedback on a question or the answer according to whether it helped you or not
  4. Contact us if you are unable to resolve your question

1. Instantly find answers to popular FAQ questions for the web page you're on

Example 1:

You are signing up on Kaya Tasks and would like to know what the Terms of Use is. The link will redirect you to a public Google Doc

Example 2:

You have signed in to Kaya Tasks and you are undertaking the onboarding tasks on this page.

A common question here is "Can I work on tasks before finishing the onboarding?". The instant answer states that you'll need to complete all four steps of the onboarding process in order to start working.

2. Find answers to your questions by typing keyword(s) in the search bar

Example 1:

You have signed in to Kaya Tasks and you are undertaking the onboarding tasks on this page. You'd like to know more about the first task on the list: Take an annotation test.

To read the relevant FAQ on the test, you can type "test" on the search bar. Relevant articles with your keyword will pop up.

Example 2:

You have signed in to Kaya Tasks and you are undertaking the onboarding tasks on this page. You'd like to know more about the second task on the list: Join the community on Discord!

As with the first example, you can type "Discord" on the search bar. Relevant articles with your keyword will pop up.

3. Provide feedback on a question or the answer according to whether it helped you or not


You were having difficulty with verifying your email address with Kaya Bot on our Discord server. If our answer helped you rectify the situation, rate it with a smiley face!

Otherwise, rate it with a sad face and contact us via the Help Scout widget if you are still unable to solve your question after looking through our documentation.

We monitor our FAQ rating closely and endeavor to come up with more relevant answers to help you! 

4. Contact us if you are unable to resolve your question


You've looked through our FAQ and have not found an answer to your question, you may contact us via the "Ask" tab.

Select the email option and input your details as well as your issue/question. More information is better as that helps us help you!

Contacting us via this Help Scout widget enables us to organize your queries and resolve your issue/questions as soon as possible. You will receive answers and/or next steps via your email, so please make sure to check your email.

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