How did Kaya Tasks come about?

We build Kaya Tasks for three reasons: 

  1. More opportunities to work: We know that you want more opportunities to earn besides Workplace projects, and we wanted an avenue to generate more work. 
  2. More smaller start-ups that cannot afford big projects: Thanks to the pandemic, the number of start-ups that require machine learning have boomed. These companies have small datasets but do not have a lot of funding. We have been turning them away, but we thought - what if we could create a platform that helps them get their data annotated, while giving you more work?
  3. A better Workplace: We know you are familiar with Workplace, which many of you refer to as ‘Supa’. It is not as user-friendly as it could be, and is not the easiest to host projects. It typically takes weeks to kickstart a project; but in Kaya Tasks, it could be as short as 30 minutes! 

Overall, Kaya Tasks is meant to get more clients, more opportunities and more work. This means more earnings for you too!

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