What is the QC process for the Accuracy Score?

QC is conducted on completed projects that have more than 50 leads. Leads are selected for QC based on the following:

No. of leads you've completed No. of leads QC'd
1-30 leads All leads
31-100 leads 30 leads, randomly selected
101 leads and above 30% of leads, randomly selected

QC is done by the internal team for now, and is only based on what the client has clearly specified in the instructions. You will not be penalised for things that are not clearly specified in the instructions.

The QC team will check each lead and note down how many of your annotations were Correct, how many were Wrong, and how many were Missing.

Correct Annotation Correct object annotated tightly and with correct label
Wrong Annotation 1. Too loose/tight
2. Correct object but wrong label
3. Extra annotation (wrong object)
Missing Annotation Object that should have been annotated but was not
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