I am already verified on Discord but the task is still unticked. What do I do?

Once you have gained full access to the Kaya Tasks Discord server, it should look something like this:

If the onboarding task is still unticked:

Try the following steps:

  1. Manually click "Confirm" and refresh the page
  2. If the issue still persists, then go to our Discord server and send a Direct Message to our Kaya Bot
  3. In your Direct Message, enter the email address that you used to sign up for the platform
  4. The Kaya Bot should reply with "check in complete" such as below:
  5. Return to the onboarding page: https://app.kayatasks.com/onboarding/complete/ and click "Confirm"
  6. The task should now be ticked! 

If the issue persists, please contact us via the Help Scout widget 💬. Kindly include these information in your report to help us solve the issue for you faster:

  • A screenshot of your onboarding page
  • A screenshot of the Kaya Bot direct message on Discord

More info on How do I use the Help Scout widget?

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