Where can I find the Accuracy Scorecard?

There are 2 pages where you can view your Accuracy Scorecard

How to view your Accuracy Scorecard on the Home page:

Step 1: Go to your Kaya Tasks Home page

Step 2: Take a look at the top section on your Home page. You can find your accuracy score(s) for all projects you've worked on (Kaya Tasks and Workplace). You'll see two scores as they are split depending on the type of project(s) you have worked on.

Classification Accuracy

  • Overall accuracy of all Image Classification projects

Annotation Accuracy

  • Overall accuracy of all Image Annotation and Semantic Segmentation projects

Step 3: At the bottom section, you'll see two tabs called Playground and Accuracy.

Click on Accuracy and you will see your 3 most recent scorecards. To understand further how to read your Accuracy Scorecard, click here.

How to view your Accuracy Scorecard on the Accuracy page:

Step 1: Go to your Kaya Tasks Home page

Step 2: On the top row, click the Accuracy tab. In this page, you can see your accuracy scores on previous projects based on project type, year and month.

To understand further how to read your Accuracy Scorecard, click here.

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