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How do I read the Accuracy Scorecard?

Step 1: Click on the Accuracy tab in Kaya Tasks

Step 2: Next, take a look at the filters near the top. There's 3 filters which you can use to filter by project time, year and month.

Step 3: At the bottom section of the page, you can see your Accuracy scorecard details for each of your projects.

Step 4: Let's take a closer look at the specific parts of this section shall we? Here's what each part of this section means:

Project Name The name of the project.
Batch Name of the batch under this project. Each batch will have an individual score.
Accuracy Overall score for all annotators on this project.
My Accuracy Your own accuracy score for tasks submitted on this project.
Red & green percentages The comparison of your accuracy scores from your previous project.
View more Your detailed scorecard for this batch.

Step 5: When you click "View more." You'll see this scorecard pop-up with details about the project's accuracy.

Here's what each part of this detailed scorecard means:

My Accuracy Score Accuracy score for tasks submitted under this batch.
Project Accuracy Overall accuracy score of all annotators for this batch.
Correctly drawn Check out this article on what "correct annotation" means.
Extra annotations The annotation was not required. Check out this article on what "wrong annotation" means.
Misdrawn The annotation boundaries were not correctly drawn (either too loose, too tight).
Missing Check out this article on what "correct annotation" means.
Mislabeled The annotation was correctly drawn but the wrong label was selected.

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