What does the overall Project Accuracy mean?

The overall project accuracy score indicates how well the project has been performing. The performance of the project is calculated based on three factors 

  1. Total correct annotations executed by all the annotators onboarded onto the project. 
  2. Total wrong annotations (after QC) executed by all the annotators onboarded onto the project. 
  3. Total missing annotations (after QC) executed by all the annotators onboarded onto the project. 

The project accuracy score is calculated using the following equation:


Take a look at the table below. Here we will assume that there are only 3 annotators within the project. The overall project accuracy score will be calculated as shown.

Annotator ID  Correct Annotations  Wrong Annotations Missing Annotations 
1cf996c3-p125-cs45-3799-nhd523ndtse 5 2 0
0be986x3-p122-cs45-3769-nhd590nd8hs0 7 1 2
27j1085u8-p123-cs75-3709-nhd490nduyt 10 4 1
  • Total correct annotations ( 5 + 7 + 10 ) = 22
  • Total wrong annotations ( 2 + 1 + 4) = 7
  • Total missing annotations ( 0 + 2 + 1 ) = 3

The overall accuracy score will be calculated using the tasks that have already been quality checked.  This will provide the average accuracy score of the project. To further understand your performance in relation to the project performance - you can compare your accuracy score to the overall project accuracy score.

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