What is the strike policy?

When an annotator receives a Strike, it means that the individual has demonstrated poor work ethics and repeated poor performance. 

Why is this important? 

In Kaya Tasks, Quality is of utmost importance because:

For our clients For our annotators For SUPA
They get usable data to build their AI models, which helps them build business and gain confidence from their clients More projects. For many, this means more opportunities to work and earn Our clients will trust us and continue to give us projects. They will also be more willing to give us difficult and complex projects to try too

We want to Kaya Tasks to become a platform where our clients trust that we can deliver good work, and where our annotators can build a steady stream of income as a gig-worker. 

Quality and Performance

At Kaya Tasks, performance is determined through the Accuracy Scorecard, which provides visibility over the correct and wrong annotations each annotator does. 

The higher the Accuracy Score and the more tasks the annotator has done, the more reliable the score is, as an indication of the annotators’ performance. 

In machine learning, an accuracy score of 90% is the minimum requirement. Anything less than that is considered bad and unusable data. 

That is why in Kaya Tasks, we expect annotators to achieve 90% accuracy. Anything less than that is considered poor performance. 

How does the Strike help the Community?

When poor work ethics and poor performance is tolerated, it sends out the message that it is okay to not do excellent work. This is highly unfair for those who give their best. We want to honor and respect those who value excellence.

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